Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"Why You Should Drink Warm Water & Lemon"

1. Boosts you're immune system
Lemons are high in Vitamin C and potassium. Vitamin C is great for fighting colds and potassium stimulates brain & nerve function and helps control blood pressure.

2. Balances pH
Lemons are an incredibly alkaline food, believe it or not. Yes, they are acidic on their own, but inside our bodies they're alkaline (the citric acid does not create acidity in the body once metabolized). As you wellness warriors know, an alkaline body is really the key to good health.

3. Helps with weight loss
Lemons are high in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings. It also has been shown that people who maintain a more alkaline diet lose weight faster. And, my experience is that when I start the day off right, it's easier to make the best choices for myself the rest of the day.

4. Aids digestion
The warm water serves to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and peristalsis—the waves of muscle contractions within the intestinal walls that keep things moving. Lemons and limes are also high in minerals and vitamins and help loosen ama, or toxins, in the digestive tract.

5. Acts as a gentle, natural diuretic
Lemon juice helps flush out unwanted materials because lemons increase the rate of urination in the body. Toxins are, therefore, released at a faster rate which helps keep your urinary tract healthy.

6. Clears skin
The vitamin C helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes. Lemon water purges toxins from the blood which helps keep skin clear as well.

7. Hydrates the lymph system
This cup of goodness helps start the day on a hydrated note, which helps prevent dehydration (obviously) and adrenal fatigue. When your body is dehydrated, or deeply dehydrated (adrenal fatigue) it can't perform all of it's proper functions, which leads to toxic buildup, stress, constipation, and the list goes on. Your adrenals happen to be two small glands that sit on top of your kidneys, and along with your thyroid, create energy. They also secrete important hormones, including aldosterone. Aldosterone is a hormone secreted by your adrenals that regulates water levels and the concentration of minerals, like sodium, in your body, helping you stay hydrated. Your adrenals are also responsible for regulating your stress response. So, the bottom line is that you really don't want to mess with a deep state of dehydration!


Top Health Benefits of Ginger

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Spices as Medicine

All the medical importance of species are not yet known. Nevertheless, we know certainty that species can be use in the treatment of various ailments like cancer, fever, malaria, stomach offset, nausea and many more. Nutmeg for example is use to treat nausea and digestive disorders. The medicinal values of spices in both dental and skin care are well established.

Let us take some examples, coriander is use to treat acne and other skin related conditions. Fennel is use in the treatment of glaucoma and other eye problems. Fennel boosts the supply of breast milk.

Talking about ancient medicine, before the advent of modern day medicine, spices have long been use to cure various ailments. For instance, spices such as oregano help in fighting against insulin resistance. Turmeric and Clove are also helpful in reducing blood sugar.

Cabbage Leaf

Wonderful !
Cabbage leaf will relive Migraine Headache in Mins (Something New)

You can easily ease the pain of a migraine through using cabbage leaf. A cabbage leaf compress is prepared through placing crushed cabbage leaves on a cloth. Apply it on the forehead and leave it there. Replace the leaves when they dry out.

Fish, liver, sunflower seeds, nuts, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, whole wheat, and yeast are good sources of vitamins that can treat migraine. A proven cure for migraine is niacin. People suffering from migraine are recommended to take Vitamin B complex that contains 100 mg of niacin.

Health Benefits of Bananas

7 Side Effects of Soda

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Spain and Italy were the first countries to adopt the fork as a utensil to be used at the table to eat with rather than just a serving utensil. This was in the 16th century. It would be a hundred years before the French decided to use the fork at table.

It is against the law to eat chicken with a fork in Gainesville, Georgia, the 'Chicken Capital of the World.'

In the 11th century the Christian Church was opposed to the use of forks. So much so, that when a Byzantine princess who used a 2 tined gold fork died from the plague, her death was called "a just punishment from God."

In the U.S. forks did not become popular until the 19th century, when the Rockefellers, Morgans and Carnegies popularized them.

Jenniver Drapkin, Smithsonian (5/2006)

Cosmetic Chemicals in Fast Food ?!

Health Benefits of Beet


Health Benefits of Consuming Dates

1) Dates are free from cholesterol and contain very low fat. Dates are rich in vitamins and minerals.

2) They are rich source of protein, dietary fiber and rich in vitamin B1, B2, B3 and B5 along with vitamin A1 and C.

3)It helps improve the digestive system as it contains soluble and insoluble fibers and different kinds of amino acids.

4) Dates are great energy boosters as they contain natural sugars like glucose, sucrose and fructose. To get more advantage add dates to milk and make it a very nutritious snack.

5)Dates are very low in calories and are extremely suitable for health conscious people.

6) Dates are rich in potassium and reduced in sodium. This helps regulate a healthy nervous system. Researches have revealed the fact that potassium intake up to a certain extent can reduce risk of stroke.

7) Dates also help in lowering of the LDL cholesterol.

8) Dates have high iron content and are very useful in treating anemia. The patients can eat many dates for better advantages.

9) Dates also have fluorine that slows down the process of tooth decay.

10) It helps people suffering from constipation. Soak dates overnight and take it along with water to have added advantage.

11) Dates help in weight gain and are beneficial for those who suffer from over slimming problem.

12) Dates are excellent for alcoholic intoxication.Cures abdominal cancer.

13) It also helps in improving eye sight and helps in curing night blindness as well.

"The best thing is that it does not have any side effect on the body and is completely natural as well as it works better than medicine."

Friday, August 10, 2012

Benefits of Red fruits

The red fruits protect against heart disease, prevent blood clots and improve blood circulation.
Red fruit is rich source of antioxidants which protect against cancer diseases.
Red fruits contain lycopene which is antioxidant and gives the red fruits their red color.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Custard apples

Custard apples contain anti-oxidants like Vitamin C, which helps to fight free radicals in our body.
It is also high in potassium and magnesium that protects our heart from cardiac disease.
Custard apples contain Vitamin A, which keeps your skin and hair healthy.
This fruit is also known to be great for eyes, and cures indigestion problems.
It's important to include this fruit in your diet, as the copper content helps to cure constipation, and helps to treat diarrhea and dysentery.

Drinking Water Timing

Red Cayenne Pepper will disappear your Arthritic Pains !!

No more Joking to Asian People they eat too much of Red hot Peppers in everything :)

Read it out :
Although hot and intolerable, even in small amounts, cayenne are one of the rare s
pice items packed with highest concentrations of minerals, vitamins and certain phyto-nutrients. It has capsaicin, which has anti-bacterial, anti-carcinogenic, analgesic and anti-diabetic properties. It reduces triglycerides and LDL cholesterol levels in obese individuals. It also has anti-oxidants like carotenes, lutein, zeaxanthin and cryptoxanthin. It has high levels of vitamins and minerals and has no cholesterol! Capasicin and its co-compounds are used in preparation of ointments, rubs and tinctures for astringent, counter-irritant and analgesic properties to treat arthritic pain, post herpetic neuropathic pain, sore muscles etc..

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Health Benefits of Parsley tea

Parsley has two major properties: antioxidants and vitamin C. Hence parsley can reduce free radicals giving you ageless skin and it can reduce inflammation that is a symptom for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. So far research hasn’t linked parsley tea to these health benefits. There is no way of asserting how much parsley tea is needed to reduce osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and skin damage.

- Boil the water and remove it from the heat

- Chop some parsley leaves and add to the hot water.

- Let steep in the water for 20 minutes.

- Strain the water and you do not have to add sugar to it.

- If you want to warm it up again, let it heat up but do not let it boil.

Health benefit of Coconut water

1. The best thing about this beverage is that it contains Zero Cholesterol. It contains minerals like Calcium, Manganese, İron, Zinc, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Sodium and Potassium. It also contains vitamins like Riboflavin, Thiamine and Vitamin C . All these nutrients make coconut a very potent health drink. It is more nutritious than milk, as it has less fatsand no cholesterol
2. Research studies suggest that Cytokinins (e.g., kinetin and trans-zeatin) in coconut water showed significant Anti-Carcinogen ic and Anti-Thrombotic and Anti-Ageing Effects
3. It is used as intravenous saline fluidin many developing countries and hassaved many lives. The reason that it's possible to be used that way is its composition, which is quite identical to Human Blood Plasma

4. Coconut water, by its very nature is an İsotonic Beverage. That is, it has the perfect balance of electrolytes in it, which is good for our body due to its right PH Levels

5. It is an excellent Energy Drink for the old and the sick, who find it difficult to process solid food. It is a Natural Fluid designed to Sustain Life
6. It is better than many processed baby milk products, as it contains Lauric Acid which is an important ingredient of Mother's Milk.This natural beverage can effectively treat Disturbance of the İntestine in İnfants
7. Anti-Ulcer Properties: Both coconut milk and coconut water exhibit potent anti-ulcer activity against chemicals such as indomethacin, a Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammato ry Drug (NSAID)
8. Blood-Pressurin g Lowering Properties: When human subjects consumed coconut water for two weeks, it was found to lower blood pressure in 74% of the experimental group, reducing it by up to 24 points (mmHg) systolic and 15 points (mmHq) diastolic
9. Anti-Alzheimer’ s Properties: in an animal model of ovariectomy-ind uced menopausal changes, coconut water appeared to prevent the decline of brain estrogen (estradiol) levels, as well as the associated accumulation of Alzheimer’s disease associated β-amyloid (Aβ) plaque in their brains
10. Anti-Bacterial Properties: Three novel antimicrobial peptides have been identified in coconut water which exhibited inhibitory activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria
11. Anti-Gastroente ritis Agent: When sodium is added (ideally sea salt) coconut water has been determined to be an ideal rehydrating agent in countries where medical supplies are not freely available, and where, say, cholera and other severe forms of gastroenteritis persist
12. Ultimately, coconut makes for an excellent alternative to Sports Drinks, which are increasingly comprised of synthetic ingredients
13. Its water is also a very good source of B-Complex Vitamins such asRiboflavin, Niacin, Thiamin, Pyridoxine, and Folates. These vitamins are essential in the sense that body requires them from external sources to replenish

NOTE: IF you buy Coconut water, please look at the ingredients ... should be 100% pure coconut water... nothing else ... no sugar, not anything else.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Guava is better than orange

Guava is better than orange because guava contain more Vitamin C than orange and guava is a lot cheaper than orange.the skin of guava contains more than 5 times Vit. C than that of an orange.IT Contains Vitamin A and B,Calcium, Nicotinic Acid, Phosphorus ,Potassium, Iron, Fiber SO guava Beneficial in Prolonged menstruation,Hi gh blood pressure, Obesity and in Scurvy..!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


15 Health Benefits of Grapes Juice..!!!

1) Flavonoids found in grape juice raise the level of HDL (good)
cholesterol. This prevents blockage of arteries and the heart remains healthy.
2) Resveratrol found in grape juice prevents the formation of tumors
in the body. So this prevents cancer. Purple-colored grape juice
prevents breast cancer.
3) By drinking this juice, the levels of nitric oxide is increased in the
body which reduces the formation of clots in blood vessels. This reduces chances of heart attacks.
4) Drinking grape juice daily helps in lowering blood pressure.
5) Grape juice has anti-aging properties and it also helps to
reduce weight.
6) Antioxidants present in grape juicerepair damaged cells and
also prevent them from further damage.
7) Cough and acidity remain away from the person who drinks
grape juice regularly.
8) Taking grape juice in the morning without sugar helpsin curing migraine. It is a good home remedy for migraine.
9) Grape juice cures blood disorders and is a very good purifier of blood. Itflushes out harmful toxins from the body.
10) Grape juice also cures constipation problem as it acts as a good laxative.
11) Red colored grape juice has strong antiviral and antibacterial properties. So it saves from different infections.
12) Grape juice has been foundto be very effective in asthma treatment due to its eminent therapeutic value.
13) Antioxidants present in grape juice can help in preventing aging
related problems like Alzheimer’s disease.
14) The purple grape juice helps in fighting atherosclerosis .
15) Antioxidants present in grape juice boost the immune system.

Importance of drinking water

Importance of drinking water at the correct time maximizes its effectiveness on the Human body :

1.) 2 glasses of water after waking up helps activate internal organs.

2.) 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal helps digestion.

3.) 1 glass of water before taking a bath helps lower blood pressure.

4.) 1 glass of water before going to bed avoids stroke or heart attack.


Health benefits of rice include providing fast and instant energy, good bowel movement, stabilizing blood sugar levels and providing essential source of vitamin B1 to human body. Other benefits include skin care, resistance to high blood pressure, dysentery and heart diseases. Rice is the staple food in most of the countries and it is an important cereal crop that feeds more than half of the world’s population.

*Great Energy Source: As rice is rich in carbohydrates, it acts as fuel for the body and aids in normal functioning of the brain.
Cholesterol Free: Eating rice is extremely beneficial for health, just for the fact that it does not contain harmful fats, cholesterol or sodium. It forms an integral part of balanced diet.

Rich in Vitamins: Rice is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals like niacin,vitamin aD, calcium, fibre, iron, thiamine and riboflavin.

Resistant Starch: Rice abounds in resistant starch, which reaches the bowel in undigested form. It aids the growth of useful bacteria for normal bowel movements.

High Blood Pressure: As rice is low in sodium, it is considered best food for those suffering from high blood pressure and hypertension.

Cancer Prevention: Whole grain rice like brown rice is rich in insoluble fibre that can possibly protect against many types of cancers. Many scientists believe that such insoluble fibres are vital for protecting the body against cancerous cells.

Dysentery: The husk part of rice is considered as an effective medicine to treat dysentery. A three month old rice plant’s husks is said to contain diuretic properties. Chinese people believe that rice considerably increases appetite, cures stomach ailments and indigestion problems.

Skin Care: Medical experts say that powdered rice can be applied to cure some forms of skin ailments. In Indian subcontinent, rice water is duly prescribed by ayurvedic practitioners as an effective ointment to cool off inflamed skin surfaces.

Alzheimer’s Disease: Brown rice is said to contain high levels of neurotransmitter nutrients that can prevent Alzheimer’s disease to a considerable extent.

Heart Disease: Rice bran oil is said to have antioxidant properties that promotes cardiovascular strength by reducing cholesterol levels in the body.


1. Keep body hydrated
Cucumber has 96% water content that is more nutritious than regular water, which helps in keeping the body hydrated and regulating body temperature. It also helps in flushing out the toxins from the body.

2. Skin care
The high water content, vitamins A, B& C and the presence of certain minerals like magnesium, potassium, and silica make cucumbers an essential part of skin care. Facial masks containing cucumber juice can be used for skin tightening. Ascorbic acid and caffeic acid present in cucumbers can bring down the water retention rate which in turn diminishes the puffiness and swelling under the eyes. Cucumber skin also can bring relief to the skin caused by sunburn or windburn.
3. Fight cancers
Cucumber are known to contain lariciresinol, pinoresinol, and secoisolaricire sinol – three lignans that have a strong history of research in connection with reduced risk of several cancer types, including breast cancer, prostate cancer, uterine cancer, and ovarian cancer.

4. Control Blood Pressure
Cucumber juice contains a lot of potassium, magnesium and fiber thatwork effectively for regulating blood pressure. This makes cucumber good for treating both low blood pressure and high blood pressure.

5. Beneficial for teeth and gums
Cucumber juice is also beneficial for people with teeth and gums problems, especially in cases of pyorrhea. Cucumber is a good source of dietary fiber and this fiber massage in the teeth and gums.